Do you want to enjoy perfectly smooth vegetable or fruit puree without any peels or seeds left in it? Care for your whole family’s health by providing them with a daily dose of vitamins and get familiar with our puree maker for fruit and vegetables! The stainless steel mesh plates of the device and its body made of plastic intended for contact with food will make this task easier for you! The puree maker is extremely handy, and its simple design allows easy use, cleaning, and storage. The two replaceable mesh plates with mesh sizes of 0.4 cm and 0.3 cm will make it easier for you to prepare sauces and food for children. This device is also perfect for mashing cooked potatoes into a puree. The puree maker is a hit among the accessories dedicated to enthusiasts of modern and healthy cuisine and DIY food. By using it, you will quickly prepare fresh and natural purees, concentrates, and juices. The strainer with a small mesh size will effectively separate the tomato flesh from the peels and seeds, and you will be able to enjoy the perfect velvet consistency of the puree.
Diameter of the puree maker: 19 cm.