Gouda cheese bacterial culture

SYMBOL: 411242
EAN: 5908277717902

5,11 EUR

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5,11 EUR/pcs

SYMBOL: 411242
EAN: 5908277717902


4.6 (5)


A perfect blend of lactic fermentation bacteria that allows making delicious homemade cheese of the Gouda type at your own home!Home cheesemaking within arm’s reach - these meso-thermophilic bacteria intended for semi-hard and hard cheese will allow you to start your cheesemaking adventure!​Gouda ch... more >

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A perfect blend of lactic fermentation bacteria that allows making delicious homemade cheese of the Gouda type at your own home!

  • Home cheesemaking within arm’s reach - these meso-thermophilic bacteria intended for semi-hard and hard cheese will allow you to start your cheesemaking adventure!​
  • Gouda cheese of your own making - these bacterial cultures for Gouda cheese will allow you to make this yellow, semi-hard cheese in your own kitchen!
  • For 40 L of milk - a single packaging is sufficient for making cheese out of 40 L of milk!
  • Maturing within 4 weeks - Gouda is a maturing cheese that requires patience. Believe us - it is worth the wait!
  • Store in a refrigerator - the best before date takes into account the possibility of transporting the product in a temperature of less than 30°C for up to 7 days.​

Do you love cheese? Do you dream of a board of cheese delicacies of your own making? We have great news for you! The bacterial cultures for Gouda cheese are a perfect blend of lactic fermentation bacteria that allows making delicious homemade cheese of the Gouda type at your own home! These meso-thermophilic bacteria for semi-hard and hard cheese will be ideal for various cheese types, including Gouda, which is one of the most popular cheese types in our country and constitutes an excellent basis of healthy diet, also gluten-free. Thanks to employing freeze-drying – a special method of drying which is one of the most perfect food preservations methods, these cultures retain their full potential for a long time. A single packaging is enough for 40 litres of milk! In order to make your own cheese you can use milk “straight from a cow” or store milk – provided that it is fresh and non-pasteurised.

Please note!

The best before date takes into account the possibility of transporting the product in a temperature of less than 30°C for up to 7 days.

How to use:

In the case of fresh milk coming “from a cow”, it is recommend to subject the milk to pasteurisation in a temperature of about 65⁰C for 30 minutes.

Pour 6 litres of milk into a pot and warm it up to 33°C. Measure out about 0.5 g of bacteria and dissolve it in a little bit of lukewarm water in a shot glass. Add everything to milk and mix thoroughly. Leave it covered for about an hour. After that time – if you used store milk pasteurised in low temperature – add about 1 g of bulk calcium chloride and then heat up the milk to 38°C and add about 0.6 g of dried rennet, dissolved in a shot glass of lukewarm water. Mix everything thoroughly. Turn off the heat. After about 50 minutes, cut the curd into 1-2 cm blocks and stir it gently. Leave it for 10-15 minutes for the whey separation to start. After that time, pour 20-30% of whey to a separate container and replace it with water with temperature of about 30-35°C. Next, warm up the grain forming up to 40-45°C within 20-30 minutes, while stirring all the time, until the grain is elastic enough to bond together in hands under pressure. Drain the whey down to the grain level and then move the grain to a cheesemaking cloth and put it into a cheese press. Leave the cheese so prepared for about 12 hours in room temperature, turning it over and applying pressure onto it in the press every once in a while. Afterwards, remove the cheese and put it into brine (0.5 L water, + 0.5 L whey + 180 g salt) and leave it for 8 hours. Next, remove the cheese from brine, put it on a cheesemaking mat and leave it to dry for a day in room temperature, turning it over every few hours. Store the cheese in a refrigerator. Once the cheese develops a rind, secure it with a cheesemaking coating or wax. Leave the cheese to mature for at least 4 weeks in a temperature of 8-12°C.

Ingredients: Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lactobacillus lactis subsp. cremoris, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris, Streptococcus thermophilus, lactose.

Activity: 1U

The weight of bacterial cultures may vary depending on their activity.

Packaging dimensions:

- Length: 12.5 cm

- Width: about 0.3 cm

- Height: 18.6 cm

3.0 g

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Gouda cheese bacterial culture

Gouda cheese bacterial culture ['stay at home', ' cheese cultures', ' cheese cultures', ' gouda cheese', ' how to make gouda cheese', ' gluten-free diet', ' bacteria', ' starter cultures']

5,11 EUR

5,11 EUR/pcs

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