When you choose our bottles "Maluch", you get not one, but as many as ten bottles in the set, along with matching gold caps with the dimension fi 18 mm!
This set of unassuming mini bottles, each with capacity of 50 mL, can serve you not only for storage of homemade liquor, but also olives, flavourings and syrups for cakes. The “Maluch” bottles will also be of use outside of both larder and kitchen, though. You can keep them in bathroom for storage of essential oils, perfumes and other liquid beauty products. Meanwhile, in the living room, they can be used for making decorations, storing dried herbs, flower petals or coloured decorative sand. They are made of high-quality, transparent, white glass and closed with screw caps with size of Ø18 mm (included in the set) and will come in handy in many a situation! Discover the great power of this little product! Gift your friends and family original presents in the form of homemade liquor stored in these special mini bottles. Hide some of your favourite perfumes in your handbag or take some stylishly packaged disinfecting liquid with you while travelling! Your imagination is the only limit!
Please note!
The bottles are available with gold-colored caps.
Every country has its own legal regulations governing the manufacturing of ethyl alcohol, wine products, and spirits, introducing them onto the market, and regarding sanctions for non-compliance.