5l glass carboy / gallon with handle "Dama"

SYMBOL: 640205
EAN: 5904816013702

6,00 EUR

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6,00 EUR/pcs

SYMBOL: 640205
EAN: 5904816013702


Glass container for fermentation process and for keeping wine, honey, infusions. May be also decorative element. The ground of the container is protected with plastic basket. Plag suited for container with 5 L of capacity -... more >

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Glass container for fermentation process and for keeping wine, honey, infusions. May be also decorative element. The ground of the container is protected with plastic basket.
Plag suited for container with 5 L of capacity
-cork with 30 mm diameter, without the mouth for closing the demijohn
-rubber plag with the mouth for zymotic straw with 33 mm diameter
hermetic cap

Demijohns are made of glass with all certificates.Usage
Demijonhns must not be cleaned in hot water or exposed for violent thermal changes. too high temperature may cause the demage of the glass. Cleaning demijohns in lukewarm with some disinfectant
The advantages of glass demijohns are high robustness and the posibility of observing the fermentation process. We recomended to lead frist fermenatation process in a fermentative vessel,after impriting the fruits-procced ferementation process in demijohn.

Close the demijohn with some cotton because of the huge pressure.


Every country has its own legal regulations governing the manufacturing of ethyl alcohol, wine products, and spirits, introducing them onto the market, and regarding sanctions for non-compliance.

18 cm

18 cm

35.6 cm

1.5 kg

5.0 L


in braid

5l glass carboy / gallon with handle "Dama"

5l glass carboy / gallon with handle "Dama" ['wine demijohn', ' demijohn for wine', ' wine carboy', ' wine bottle', ' bottle for wine', ' wine container', ' tinted glass demijohn for wine', ' tinted glass demijohn', ' tinted glass demijohn for wine', ' 50l wine demijohn', ' 50l wine demijohn castorama', ' 50l demijohn for wine', ' 50l demijohn for wine castorama', ' wine demijohn', ' wine demijohn castorama', ' carboy in wicker', ' carboy in wicker basket ']

6,00 EUR

6,00 EUR/pcs

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