"We make wine, good and homemade!" is a new and unique oenological guide, suitable for both advanced hobbyists and those who want to prepare their first own wine. The book was written by Ewa Kwapisz, a biotechnologist with vast experience in perfecting the processes of homemade wine production. The guide takes you through the successive stages of the wine-making process and describes their impact on the success of the winemaking adventure.
A valuable addition to the book is 100 tried and tested recipes for excellent grape, fruit, flower and grain wines, as well as ciders and meads. 368 pages of inspiration, practical advice and a solid dose of essential knowledge regarding both winemaking raw materials and wine production technology on a micro scale.
The book is perfect as a gift, but most of all for the favorite shelf of anyone who wants to learn the secrets of preparing must, securing optimal fermentation conditions, racking, clarifying or aging wine.
When preparing the guide, the author took into account the latest professional literature and the results of years of experience that mainly concerned the selection of appropriate wine yeast strains for fermenting different types of fruit musts. The results of research into the selection of appropriate nutrients for yeast, enzymatic preparations, and wine clarifying and stabilizing agents also proved to be important. Contacts with European companies working for winemaking facilitated the testing of many useful accessories and additives. The book also refers to the actions of practitioners who enrich the collection of valuable recipes and contribute to the further development of the noble winemaking craft, which fully deserves the title of art.
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