Fermentation bucket 30 L with printing, tap and plastic airlock UA

SYMBOL: 340450
EAN: 5904816004205

14,17 EUR

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SYMBOL: 340450
EAN: 5904816004205


5.0 (1)


The containers feature a printed capacity scale, as well as valuable hints for preparing homemade wine, beer, and distillation batches. Attention!!! Product in Ukrainian - we also offer containers with information in other languages.Resilient and flexible - this fermentation container is made of tra... more >

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The containers feature a printed capacity scale, as well as valuable hints for preparing homemade wine, beer, and distillation batches. Attention!!! Product in Ukrainian - we also offer containers with information in other languages.

  • Resilient and flexible - this fermentation container is made of transparent food-grade plastic. It does not get deformed, it is resistant do discolouration, and it is suitable for fermenting beer, wine, and other liquor.
  • Versatile design - the wide lid of the container features and opening for an airlock. One can also modify the container on their own in a way that enables installing an angular tube and conducting fermentation in multiple containers at the same time by stacking them.
  • Easy liquor decanting - the discharge tap included enables complete decanting of beer or wine. The location of the tap does not interfere with placing the container on flat surfaces.
  • Plug and plastic airlock included in the set - each complete container set includes two plugs: one with an opening and second one with a cap, in order to be able to use an angular airlock instead of a traditional one or to close the container tightly if necessary.
  • Convenient gauge - a printed container capacity gauge enables monitoring the batch quantity. Meanwhile, the valuable tips for preparing homemade wine, beer, and distillation batches will facilitate preparation of homemade delicacies.

It is a cost-effective complete set that will allow you to prepare your favourite homemade liquor. The container is made of transparent plastic approved for contact with food, characterised by high strength and elasticity. The containers have a certificate of the Polish National Institute of Hygiene (PZH), approving them for contact with food products.

The containers are resistant to discolourations occurring as a result contact with tannins from the fruit. The colour of the container is not accidental - in any other colour the material could become discoloured under the influence of the alcohol produced, which could result in passage of toxic dyeing substances into wine.

The lid with an opening and universal plug included in the kit enable sealing the container or installing an airlock. Meanwhile, drilling an extra opening allows installing an angular tube and conducting fermentation in multiple stacked containers at the same time.

The swivel tap included allows beer, wine and other types of fermentation to be conveniently poured off the lees.

An airlock filled with water is used in the fermentation process in order to protect the batch content against oxygenation, while at the same time enabling regular emission of carbon dioxide produced in the process taking place. Thanks to the moving water gauge we can notice the changing intensity of the fermentation process - from the turbulent stage (intensive bubbling) to the stationary one. Water evaporation is natural, which is why it is necessary to remember to top it up in the airlock. Additionally, the airlock protects the batch against fruit flies that might get to the inside and which may, in turn, introduce acetate bacteria that change ethanol into acetic acid.

Container and lid made of polypropylene, BPA-free product.

How to use:

In order to facilitate opening the container, it is necessary to open the lid slightly, slide e.g. a teaspoon handle into the resulting gap, and then pull that object around the rim of the container.

It is not recommended to clean the containers using rough washcloths, as this may cause scratches on the surface that might become a source of contamination.

When installing the tap on the container it is necessary to place the gasket on the outer side of the container. This ensures full tightness.

NOTE: These containers can be tightened further by smearing the container rim with petroleum jelly or edible oil. Before preparing the batch, the fermentation container should be disinfected thoroughly using potassium metabisulphite or Oxi Turbo.

Maximum batch temperature allowed: 85°C.

The temperature of the containers prior to filling should be at least 5°C.

Maximum alcohol concentration in the batch: 50%.

The set includes:

- a 30 L fermentation container with a gauge and writing in Ukrainian language

- a lid with an opening,

- universal plug with a cap,

- discharge tap

- plastic airlock Maxi

Dimensions of the container:

capacity 30 L

height of container 36.9 cm

height of container with lid 37.1 cm

Ø opening in lid 1.6 cm

length with ears 40.3 cm

width/outside Ø 37.9 cm

inner Ø of container 35.5 cm

opening 2 - 3 cm from the bottom of the container

Ø opening in container 2.8 cm

length of faucet after installation 8 cm

faucet height 7.8 cm

Outside Ø of faucet drain 1.1/1.2 cm

Dimensions of fermentation tube:

Ø ext. of upper hole 1.8 cm

Outer Ø of lower opening 1.0 cm

Storage with UV Protection

To prevent damage caused by UV radiation, empty or filled containers must not be stored outdoors. If this is not possible due to storage conditions, containers and lids should be stored in a way that protects them from UV radiation. This can be done, for example, by covering pallets with containers and lids with a UV-resistant plastic tarpaulin.

Storage of Empty Containers

Since containers and lids are sensitive to weather conditions, they should be stored in a dry place at a constant temperature. This not only protects them from moisture but also effectively prevents water condensation, which could damage packaging, particularly those decorated with offset prints, IML applications, or digital prints. Furthermore, despite the use of antistatic agents, dust or dirt contamination cannot be ruled out, so storage in a clean room is necessary.


Every country has its own legal regulations governing the manufacturing of ethyl alcohol, wine products, and spirits, introducing them onto the market, and regarding sanctions for non-compliance.

40.3 cm

37.9 cm

37.1 cm

1.0 kg

polypropylene BPA-free

with tap


30.0 L


All good, no problems

Fermentation bucket 30 L with printing, tap and plastic airlock UA

Fermentation bucket 30 L with printing, tap and plastic airlock UA ['fermentation container', ' fermentation bucket', ' fermentation bucket', ' fermentation containers', ' fermentation container for wine', ' fermentation bucket with tap', ' biowin fermentation bucket', ' brow fermentation bucket']

14,17 EUR

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